cold weather safety


This week has brought Manitoba severe cold temperatures and icy road conditions. While we are no strangers to the cold weather, it is important to be familiar with and remind ourselves and workers of the safety measures needed for this time of year.

For on-the-job safety, we recommend:

  • Wear appropriate PPE – layer on the clothing
  • Have appropriate winter footwear
  • Take breaks often to warm up
  • Plan highway travel carefully and ensure workers have appropriate means of communication
  • Avoid working alone
  • Have emergency supplies ready

Because cold weather can cause unusual conditions, it is important to train your workers on safe-work practices and procedures. They should understand the dangers of exposed skin, inadequate protective wear and the signs and symptoms of frostbite and hypothermia.

Also, make sure you have the required number of people trained in first-aid, so they can help your employees survive an emergency event.

Take precautions in cold weather and look out for your co-workers as well as yourself. For a Safety Talk on cold weather, visit