Return-to-work and cannabis review at COR meeting

All members of WORKSAFELY™’s COR™ program are invited our bi-annual COR™ industry meetings. Our COR™ meetings are a valuable means of keeping your company current on evolving safety issues and topics. These meetings also offer a chance to network with leaders in our heavy construction industry.

The next COR industry meeting will include reports from Manitoba Workplace Safety & Health and SAFE Work Manitoba. This is your opportunity to ask the regulators about any safety concerns you may have. Other speakers include Joel Gervais, from CBI Health Group, speaking on a year-in-review of cannabis legalization and Chris Poot, from the WCB, speaking on return-to-work issues in the heavy construction industry.

The COR™ meeting will be held:
November 20, 2019
9 am-11 am
Crown Pipeline Ltd., 1076 Oxford Street West, Springfield, MB

Please contact Kristen Ranson at [email protected] to RSVP. Safety footwear is recommended.